This weekend is SRS BSNS. I really will try my hardest to get everything done. The thing is, I have such a horrible work ethic. It's pathetic really.
This week has been so weird for me... I don't even know. I've been getting so much sleep lately, and all it's doing is making me nervous and more tired??? I really don't like it, I think I like staying up all night better. For example, I think Tuesday night, I went to bed at like ten something and I woke up at like 1 and then continued to wake up about 50 more times throughout the night. And the whole time I was just so nervous for something, but there was nothing to be nervous for, but I was pretty much freaking out.
Then last night I think I got 5 hours of sleep, which is about 5 more hours than the amount of sleep I got on two days last week. And yet, today, I'm so tired. I FELL ASLEEP PLAYING THE PIANO. No seriously!! I was sitting there practicing, because I barely have all week, and then a little while later I find myself opening my eyes, because now I'm just leaning back in the seat with my head all the way back, like some dead fish. Idek!!
Also about piano, I don't know if I should take it anymore... I really love it, but you know it's just frustrating that I suck. I mean, I've been playing for almost one year, ALMOST A YEAR. I suck really. My piano teacher told me that I'm "Really talented but Id be so much better if I just practiced." So I guess it's my own fault. I fail. Someone keep reminding me to practice. OH and I just remembered-- SHE WANTS TO HAVE A RECITAL IN JUNE. OMGWTFBBQ!!! fail.
Oh and I have been dying to rant about this one dream I had a few days ago. It was probably Tuesday lol.
Actually, it's not like this dream was anything special or anything, but for the past few weeks I have been having these bat shit crazy dreams. Like I am not even kidding. And I remember some of the past few I have had but I figure it's better to post about the most recent.
Outside, it's raining, really hard. I barge out of the swinging door and I start running (this takes place in my old house, btw, not the one I'm living in now) I start running and I just love the weather. It's pouring out but it feels really good and I just keep running and running. Finally I get to like, well the best way I can describe it is a circus like place. It's not a circus though, it's just circus like.
This place is really cool too. I don't think it was inside, but there was like, a really giant open tent, like really really big. And there were these colorful clown walking around. You have to remember that my entire dream so far has pretty much been gray, SO the clows kind of stood out. They looked more like jesters then clowns though. Yeah never mind, they were jesters. And I was still running and I was never gonna stop and I see all these cool things and the rain feels so good and there's like a puppy by my feet, but it's really cute.
And then all of a sudden, out of NOWHERE, Evan Starr pops up. And in this, he's acting like he's my friend, and it's kind of scaring me.So I kind of ignore it and keep running in the rain, and he's with me. And then all this stuff happens that I don't really remember but I do know that I was really not enjoying Evan's company. And all of a sudden, he like, leans down and tries to kiss me or something. I freak out and I slap him across the face and kick him, and he disappears again, so I'm happy.
I keep running around in the rain and I'm pretty sure I'm skipping at this point, and I get back to the giant tent and stuff. And the jesters are performing these really cool tricks and stuff. They have these jigsaw puzzles, but somehow they can make them float over their hands, so they can juggle them. And it's all colorful and pretty and they keep juggling the puzzles and the rain is still pouring and I loved it. But then I woke up D:
I think I'll try and write about my dreams here more often, idk though.
~The Office is tonight!! Yes, MoFo!!!!
~I have 50 billion things to do this weekend, including oodles of homework
~I am TIRED.
~I WILL finish a chapter of my fanfic this weekend.
~I'm tired.
~I think I'll make that list soon.
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